With the rapid economy development of China,we need very large sum of oversea procurement.By the evident trends that lots of countries can supply goods and sale to China,whatever industrial raw materials or manufacturing necessities or merchandise.Basis on this, global export to China international logistics service become more and more important.Meantime, China door to door Import Customs Clearance service is going to be more and more challenging, it worth devoting energies to pursuit by us.
Shanghai SEAHOG international logistics group was established on 1997 and holding more than 300 people team distribute in China 11 coastal harbour for network logistics service on Shanghai, Ningbo, Suzhou, Shenzhen, HongKong, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Xiamen, Tianjin, Qingdao, Dalian, and 4 inland network on Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, and Beijing.
SEAHOG International logistics group is a professional and mature international logistics platform, we are focus on and pay attention to China import customs clearance, warehousing, international logistics agency services. China Imports is survival main industry of SEAHOG, and SEAHOG only focus on china import full set service.
Currently, SEAHOG International logistics main service including:
1.Global import joint sea-and rail transportation from Europe, North-American--Australian....to China coastal ports and delivery to China inland.
2.Global Import
air freight service
3.China customs clearance service
4.China ports warehousing service
5.H.K. Transit-ship service, H.K payment agency service
6.L/C ,T/T payment service
SEAHOG can provide global
logistics ,import,export transportation,
customs clearance, warehousing, trucking and door to door full service. Welcome feel free to contact us Please call us at